Agenda: Removal of the term 'Secularism from the Preamble of the Indian Constitution

The inclusion of "secularism" in the Preamble of the Indian Constitution signifies India's commitment to ensuring religious harmony and equal treatment of all faiths. However, the idea of removing this term has sparked intense debate, raising questions about its necessity in defining India's identity as a pluralistic nation. Is the essence of secularism inherently rooted in India's cultural and constitutional ethos, or does its explicit mention in the Preamble serve as a safeguard against potential misuse of state power? This discussion is vital as it encourages young parliamentarians to delve into the historical, social, and legal implications of such a change. By exploring diverse perspectives, parliamentarians will better understand the balance between religious freedom and state neutrality, fostering informed decision making and strengthening their ability to address sensitive constitutional matters with nuance and clarity.


shallow focus photography of stack of books
shallow focus photography of stack of books